Evolutionary models for UCDs

For details, see the manuscript at doi = "10.3847/1538-4357/ab2333" , published at The Astrophysical Journal, 2019, July 10.

We present a grid of stellar evolutionary models for UCDs computed with the CLES code. This grid is available for Asplund et al. (2009) solar mixture. CLES includes different choices for EOS, opacity and atmosphere tables. For details on the input physics for UCDs, see the manuscript.

Evolutionary model grid for UCDs is presented for:

See header for details. The physical parameters (column number) at each time-step is presented as follows: mass (1), age (2), log(Teff) (3), log(L/L) (4), Xc (5), Tc (6), logg (7), R/R (8), Li/Li0 (7)

UCD grid with:

Please write us if you need models between the grid points.

This grid was computed with Software: Cles (version 19.1, updated: 2019-06-12). Scuflaire, R., Theado, S., Montalban, J., et al. 2008, Ap&SS, 316, 83


Last update: April, 30 - 2020

Please address any questions and remarks to: c.fernandes (at) uliege.be