
35th Liège International Astrophysics Colloquium

July 5-8, 1999


First announcement

      Recent abundance analyses have shown puzzling results in subgiant and giant stars in globular clusters as well as in field metal-poor stars. High resolution spectrographs which are becoming available on very large telescopes will greatly improve our knowledge of the chemical composition of dwarfs and subgiants in some globular clusters. The possibility of self-enrichment of globular clusters is more than ever an open question which sheds new lights on their formation and their primordial phases. Moreover, what do we know and what can we learn about the conditions for their survival, the possibility of evaporation of stars, the effects of crossing the disk of our Galaxy...

      On the other hand, where do halo stars come from ? Is there a link between some of them and globular clusters ? The abundance analyses of chemical elements in metal-poor stars and in globular clusters will give us clues as to the early environment and the early evolution of these stars.

      The 35th Liège International Astrophysics Colloquium will take place from July 5 to July 8, 1999, at the University's Observatory :

Institut d'Astrophysique et de Géophysique
5, avenue de Cointe
B-4000 LIEGE


      Each session will start with review talks (approx. 45 min. each, see below). The reviews will be followed by contributed talks of about 20 min. each, including discussion.

      Posters will be on display during the whole meeting and time will be reserved each day to allow discussions with the poster authors.

We ask the participants to indicate their preference (talk/poster) but, as we have a limited amount of time for contributed talks, the organizing committee reserves the right to make the final choice.

      The abstracts (maximum length half an A4 page) will be reproduced in a booklet made available to each participant upon arrival in Liège. To be included in this booklet, we ask the authors to send, before April 30, the following information :
  • Title
  • Authors
  • Desired Section
  • Abstract


      The proceedings will be published very rapidly after the meeting. They will contain the review papers, the contributed talks and the posters. Typing instructions will be given in the third circular.


      Further information, including a list of hotels and rates, practical information and a map will be distributed in May to those of you who have announced their participation.


      All information about this colloquium including the registration form is available at the following address:

Colloquium 1999

This page will frequently be updated.


      The registration fee will be of 8000 BEF (198.31 EUR, approximately 230 US$) and will include lunches, tea, coffee, soft drinks at breaks, local transportation, reception(s), and one copy of the proceedings.

Registration deadline : April 30, 1999

Scientific Organizing Committee :
I. Iben (president), M. Arnould, E. Jehin, P. Magain, A. Noels, G. Parmentier, J.-P. Swings, A. Thoul

Local Organizing Committee :
P. Magain and A. Noels (chairpersons), D. Caro (secretary), E. Jehin, G. Parmentier, J.-P. Swings, A. Thoul

We hope to hear from you soon and to see you in Liège next July.

For the Local Organizing Committee,
Pierre Magain and Arlette Noels

If you have a colleague who may be interested, please make sure to give her/him a copy of this announcement.

Home Page

Institut d'Astrophysique et de Géophysique, 5 avenue de Cointe, B-4000 LIEGE (BELGIUM)
Tel: (32-4) 254 75 16
Fax: (32-4) 254 75 11


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