Comet Hale-Bopp

Pictures by Philippe Demoulin

Despite the intense light pollution (only about 20 stars are visible !), due to the proximity of the city of Liège, the comet Hale-Bopp is easily visible.
Picture taken at Cointe (Liège), on March 11, 1997 at about 5h30 UT+1.
Lens: 70 mm at f/3.5.  Exposure time 20 seconds.  Film Fujicolor 1600 ASA.

Picture taken at Cointe (Liège), on March 11, 1997 at about 5h35 UT+1.
Lens: 70 mm at f/3.5.  Exposure time 20 seconds.  Film Fujicolor 1600 ASA.

Picture taken at Cointe (Liège), on March 11, 1997 at about 5h45 UT+1.
Lens: 120 mm at f/3.5.  Exposure time 20 seconds.  Film Fujicolor 1600 ASA.

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