Comet Hale-Bopp

Pictures by Philippe Demoulin

Picture taken at the Jungfraujoch observatory, located in Switzerland, at an altitude of 3580 meters above sea level.
Date: March 20, 1997 at 23h25 UT+1.
Lens: 110 mm at f/3.5.  Exposure time 30 seconds.  Film Fujicolor SG400.
The Moon is present, which illuminates mountains and clouds.

Picture taken at the Jungfraujoch observatory (Switzerland), on March 20, 1997 at 23h59 UT+1.
The comet in nearly due north : from March 16 to April 3, it will be circumpolar at the Jungfraujoch, i.e. it will no more set during that period.
Lens: 50 mm at f/1.8.  Exposure time 30 seconds.  Film Fujicolor SG800.
Observation conditions: -18°C, wind speed of 75 km/h (north wind, on the same side as the comet: brrr...)

Picture taken at the Jungfraujoch observatory (Switzerland), on March 21, 1997 at 19h49 UT+1.
Lens: 50 mm at f/1.8.  Exposure time 30 seconds.  Film Fujicolor SG800.

Picture taken at the Jungfraujoch observatory (Switzerland), on March 22, 1997 at 5h00 UT+1(I'll be glad when the observation of Hale-Bopp will be more favourable in the evening than in the morning: few time is left to sleep, with that comet visible nearly all night long !).
Today, the comet makes its closest approach to the Earth, at 197 million kilometers.  It will continue to come nearer to the Sun until April 1st, when it will be at 137 million km from our star.
Lens: 70 mm at f/3.5.  Exposure time 30 seconds.  Film Fujicolor SG800.

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